
Arch. Solomon Pomanti Enweh
Personal Bio
Arch. Solomon Pomanti Enweh is an upcoming Italian-Nigerian architect with a highly artistic sensibilities and spirit driven designer. His vision and personal knowledge for ancient Roman, Greek and African as well as ingenious use of sustainable materials on building have paved his way to adhere the most important Italian architectural other ( Ordine degli architetti). In 2019, Solomon founded his own practice, PesArch Construction Company Ltd, which operates between Nigeria and Italy, with studios in Enugu State of Nigeria as well as in Teramo Italy where he is active as a freelancer. The firm’s work ranges from private houses, bespoke design furniture, product design, higher approach towards 3D designs, civic building, master plans, and excellent use of BIM programs that make it easier for him to participate tirelessly to an ongoing Superbonus 100% project proved by the Italian Republic to enable the citizen to upgrade their private homes to minimize energy dispersion. His largest project to date, “The Black House Museum” is a project intentioned to propose Enugu State government and its people to create a unique cultural center for both local and international event to help attract tourism in the state. In November 2018, Pomanti Enweh was awarded the degree of architecture by the moderators at the university of Chieti/Pescara Italy as one of the only two students to ever designed an architectural/engineering project with highest numbers of nodes. In 2019, he become a full member and professional registered architect (Albo degli Architetti) soon after succeeding the Italian National Exam (Esame di Stato) for professionals. Approved by “CNAPPC” National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators (Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori) , SEZ “A”, SET “a”, Registered Number 950. Solomon is also well recognized in Nigerian Italian community for his personal perseverance as well as Italians in serving communities, cities and the environment which made it possible for him to obtain the Italian citizenship.
As a young boy b in the 90s in Enugu-Ezike, Igbo Eze North L.G.A, Enugu State, Nigeria, Solomon’s childhood gained stability in movement as his family’s work took him all over the State capital of Enugu such as Umuonu his place of origin, Ogurute city center, Nsukka township, Enugu East and Enugu urban. Solomon was born into a numerous family in the year which Enugu gain its own state capital caved our from Anambara State in 1990 and the spirit of independent influenced his family’s mobilities in search of a better job.In his early childhood, he started to develop the need to build a comfortable home that will give comfort to his mother’s numerous children which has always been a thing of survival , having to share small space together in a poor neighborhood (Ugwuago Abakpa Nike) in Enugu State, Nigeria. It’s all started by building a mini-mud houses and cages for domestic animals to help secure his mother’s chickens and to house his adorable dog which couldn’t find a space to sleep in door for lack of space, there he started constructing cages for the vicinities in exchange of money.
Before traveling from Africa to Europe to further his studies in building, he gained recognitions for his unique skill, building cages with dumpster to separate the chicken space from the chicken waste. During his years as a junior student got paid from senior students to do their drawing for “Fine Art projects” class assignments and went on wining the school conducted competition called “Torture” where he came out as the best Art student at the moment.
A formative moment in Solomon’s adulthood was when he realize the absents of African history in the History textbook both when he was studying in the school of geometry as well as during his years as a university student. This pushed him to research African history independently, making him study twice as hard, having to carry out university programs and his independent research on African history. The project took place between five to six year period documenting major African lost empires, cities and architectural heritages that stretched from Cairo (Egypt), Timbuktu (Mali), Songhai (sahel), Nok, Ife, Benin and Nri (Nigeria), Wolof (Senegal), Aksum (Ethiopia) down to Great Empire of Zimbabwe showcasing a concise urban history, fact file, maps and satellite imagery that come together in a rigorous analysis and reconceptualization of what African architecture is and can truly be on my last thesis.
Thereafter, Solomon noted how degrading it will cost African children if African development fail to start from creating facilities and infrastructure that will shape it’s peoples emancipation. Till date he think about designing a facility that would provide better education for everyone.
He receive a higher degree from one of the best Architecture University in the Central Italy (Università Degli Studi di G. D’Annunzio – Chieti Pescara)
He receiving his Diploma from “Albo-Collegio Geometri” after five year of practicing on building and construction from the school of geometric studies (Istituto Tecnico per Geometra), in Teramo Italy.
Secondary studies in Commercial High School, Ugbene Abakpa Nike